October 22, 2024

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Study for two minutes. Check Instagram. Study for two minutes. Browse Netflix. Study for two minutes. Check email. Study for two minutes. Get lost in TikTok indefinitely... Have you ever found yourself completely unmotivated to start studying? Like it is the hardest thing in the world?

Well, I have, multiple times. I can’t even begin to count all these days that I promised myself I would study, but eventually didn’t do anything even remotely close. Countless times staring at a closed book or notes, trying to persuade myself to just start! To be honest, most of these times, I actually failed.

Being lazy is a negative self-attribution people often make when they don’t understand why they aren’t taking action toward something they want to and/or should be doing. It can feel like a battle fighting against yourself to do things you know are in your best interest, but in the given moment you just don’t feel like doing them. 

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps to understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.

There come many moments in life when you feel like giving up on everything. You must have lost hope on your relationships, business, studies or changing habits at some point. Or it’s just that you feel hopeless about yourself because of your recent failures. You may even wish for the end to be near so that you can just close your eyes and know nothing more. Feel nothing more and be gone.

What no one tells you when you first begin working towards your dreams is that, motivation is the key to everything! Without motivation, there will be no fuel to the fire so to speak. You would have no drive to achieve everything you have ever wanted and there would be no reason to move forward. But what is motivation?

Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. 

A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, good health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and injuries. You hear lots of advice from many sources about what it takes to live well and keep your body in good working order. Sorting out what that means for you could seem like an overwhelming task. Let's break it down into a few simple, easy-to-remember ways for adults to stay on a healthy path.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, citizens around the world are faced with the reality of carrying on everyday routines within their home, including telecommuting and schooling. Staying home is essential for “flattening the curve” and preventing the spread and potential exposure of COVID-19, but the change in routine is leaving many in unfamiliar territory – especially when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle.

As healthy food is often more expensive than junk food (what’s that all about?), it can be pretty tempting to start buying junk. Hopefully these tips should stop you from going down that path.

The Winter season can be busy and exciting. With so many events like family dinners, holiday parties, and the preparation and planning for gift giving, we have plenty of distractions to keep us from focusing on our health and taking care of ourselves as we would normally.

Furthermore, once the holiday season is over, many people experience a lull in their motivation to stay active. Some people begin to experience depression or feelings of anxiousness over expenses that accumulated throughout the holidays. Others let diet and healthy eating habits fall by the wayside. Often, given the weather, exercise is sacrificed for warm nights spent indoors on the couch.

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