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Anxiety is one of most prevalent mental health disorders, with 1 out of 14 people around the world being likely affected. Leading up to conditions such as depression, increased risk for suicide, disability and requirement of high health services, very few people who often need treatment actually receive it. In her talk “How to cope with anxiety”, Olivia Remes of the University of Cambridge will share her vision on anxiety and will unravel ways to treat and manage this health disorder. Arguing that treatments such as psychotherapy and medication exist and often result in poor outcome and high rates of relapses, she will emphasise the importance of harnessing strength in ourselves as we modify our problem-coping mechanisms. At TEDxUHasselt, Olivia will stress that by allowing ourselves to believe that what happens in life is comprehensive, meaningful, and manageable, one can significantly improve their risk of developing anxiety disorders.
Learn the secret to stopping fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'd tried tons of strategies to stop fear and none of them actually worked. I decided to create a new technique, combining the research-backed 5 Second Rule and the latest findings on the topics of fear and anxiety. When nothing else worked for me, this technique did. It allowed me to beat fear, anxiety, panic attacks, and negative thoughts–and as I shared it with others, it worked for them too.